8th April 2007 : Home bound

We got up at 7:00 and went to the beach. The beach looked awesome in the morning sun. We went scouting for our incomplete castle. It was nowhere to be found. Probably it must have got washed away during high tide. Nevertheless we decided to have a great time in the beach.

We had a horse carriage ride for Rs.40 along the shore. The horse named Bunty was not in his elements and started bolting. After a few anxious moments the horse was on track and we had a wonderful ride along the beach.

We had to check out of our rooms by 11:30 a.m and also have our breakfast. We went back to our rooms, freshened up and had breakfast. We then packed our stuff back into the car. And that is when a new drama unfolded. The car did not start! The battery had drained over the past two days and the mechanic was on a holiday as it was a Sunday.

The Resorts’ driver and Man Friday Mr.Koli pushed our car and finally the car started and we were back on our way to Pune.

We reached Pune at 4:00 p.m after an uneventful journey. We had tea at Prashant’s house and reached our home at 6:00 p.m.

After many distastrous holidays earlier this was one holiday we enjoyed and will cherish for a long long time.

The hospitality and food at the Resort was exceptional and I would recommend this place to anyone that asks me.


Sujit Kolke said...

do write about your disastrous holidays too.
good read and nice captions

Anonymous said...

I always knew you would blog one day, but never thought it would be a travelogue.
I think you can infuse some of your immense self in to your writings, you are kidding nobody with this style.
The pictures are good. I think I will pay kashid a vist too.
Good start! But I am expecting nothing less than vintage stuff from the enormous you.
BTW, the pcitures about you belie your (immense) self
I wish I could write more here.

Anonymous said...

Notice how often it is mealtime on your blog. Why do you drag Sowmya's name along whenever it is YOUR mealtime, man!